GWC 4.0 Workshop 1
Blast off the Starting Block
This program provided information on how to get started in the GWC, with information for returning and new GWC participants. Those who had not yet signed up were encouraged to attend.
GWC Workshop #1: Getting Started with the GWC
Keynote Presenter:
Andrew Kreider, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Consultant
US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 3
Friday, July 29, 2016
8:00 – 11:30 AM
Union Trust Building, 501 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, 11th Floor Classroom
$10.00 for Green Workplace Challenge Participants
$25.00 for Sustainable Pittsburgh Member/GWC Non-Participant
$35.00 for Sustainable Pittsburgh Non-Member/GWC Non-Participant
This workshop guided participants through the first steps of the GWC, including how to set up GWC accounts, develop an individualized game plan, build baselines, and start tracking actions. Participants learned about many of the tools incorporated in the GWC actions, including the EPA Portfolio Manager, Commute Info transportation tracking, and the ROCIS air quality monitoring program. Participants developed a game plan using our Category Playbooks as a guide.
We demonstrated how to use several online tools, and assisted participants in completing activities onsite.
Participants who completed all of the exercises in this workshop would be ready to start the following actions:
- E9 Mentor another organization in the Green Workplace Challenge (5 to 15 points)
- E10 Get mentored to achieve optimal sustainability (10 points)
- E33 Attend GWC Workshops (1-32 points)
- WA1 Establish your water use baseline (10 points)
- WA2 Choose your water legacy baseline year (10 points)
- EN6 Enter your GWC 2016 electricity baseline data (10 points)
- EN7 Enter your GWC 2016 natural gas baseline data (10 points)
- EN8 Choose your energy legacy baseline year (10 points)
With additional steps taken toward:
- MM1 Conduct a preliminary waste audit to set your baseline (10 points)
- T1 Hold a “Getting Started” orientation with CommuteInfo (5 points)
- AQ1 Monitor indoor particulate matter in your office (5 points)
- AQ2 Monitor radon in your office (5 points)
- AQ3 Monitor carbon dioxide in your office (5 points)
- AQ4 Monitor carbon monoxide in your office (5 points)
- AQ6 Share and / or present your monitoring data (2 to 4 points)
This workshop was open to all interested. GWC participation was not required.
8:00 – 8:30 am Registration
8:30 am Welcome
Autumn Secrest, Sustainable Business Program Manager, Sustainable Pittsburgh
8:35 am Keynote Presenter
Andrew Kreider, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Consultant, US Environmental Protection Agency
9:15 am Setting up EPA Portfolio Manager
Kathy Hrabovsky, Sustainability Manager, Department of Facilities Management, Allegheny County
9:35 am ROCIS Air Quality Monitoring Cohort
Linda Wigington, Team Leader, Reducing Outdoor Contaminants in Indoor Spaces (ROCIS)
9:55 am Commuter Baseline Assessments and Using the Commute Info Tool
Autumn Secrest, Sustainable Business Program Manager, Sustainable Pittsburgh
10:10 am Planning and Conducting Your Waste Audit
Mary Peterson, SCA Sustainability Fellow, Pennsylvania Resources Council
10:30 am Developing your game plan using Category Playbooks
Emily Palmer, SCA Green Cities Fellow, Sustainable Pittsburgh
Autumn Secrest, Sustainable Business Program Manager, Sustainable Pittsburgh
10:40 am Team Competitions: Neighborhoods and Buildings
Emily Palmer, SCA Green Cities Fellow, Sustainable Pittsburgh
Autumn Secrest, Sustainable Business Program Manager, Sustainable Pittsburgh
10:50 – 11:30 am Networking and Mentorship Matching
Facilitated by Sustainable Pittsburgh Green Workplace Challenge Team